Clean up and cash in

Home-grown clean energy is Australia’s ticket to a better financial future.

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clean energy jobs by 2033
increase in clean energy investment by 2030
in green industry exports by 2050
clean energy jobs
by 2033
(Australian Treasury, 2023)
increase in clean energy
investment by 2030
(International Energy Agency, 2024)
in green industry exports
by 2050
(Beyond Zero Emissions, 2021)
A woman dressed in a blue suit poses in front of a wall filled with several monitors, indicating a high-tech setting.

Clean energy means more jobs and economic growth

With some of the world’s best solar, wind and mineral resources, Australia has all the ingredients to power our homes and economy for generations to come.

To seize our nation’s biggest financial opportunity, we need the Federal Government to set strong climate targets. That will support the growth of cleaner industries.

By harnessing our rich onshore resources and growing our manufacturing capabilities, we can future-proof jobs for all Australians.

Get behind our clean energy workforce

Local businesses and workers across Australia are already paving the path to a stronger financial future.

From Holden to 5B solar

“When the Holden factory shut down, we lost a lot of local jobs. But then a new solar manufacturing plant opened its doors, and I found myself using my skills in an exciting new role.”

— Chris, Adelaide

A man in hi-vis stands in front of a solar panel at a manufacturing plant.

Renewables are powering South Australia

“In South Australia, we’re already running on 75% wind and solar. We’re leading the world. My mission is to keep improving our energy system, so that it’s even cleaner, more reliable and more affordable for everyone.”

— Michelle, Adelaide

A woman stands in front of signage with an infographic saying 'All electric homes could halve their energy costs'.

How bushfires sparked a career change

“I wasn’t really into climate action. Then our family farm got smashed in the horrendous 2019 bushfires. It was a slap in the face, a wake-up call. I decided to use my experience in heavy industries to make them more sustainable.”

— Trent, Newcastle

A man in hi-vis and a helmet with 'MCi Carbon' stands in an industrial setting.

Renewables keep farmers farming

“Climate change is hurting farmers’ profits while renewables are helping us lower our energy costs. Our power bills are down nearly 70 percent since we went to solar and battery on the farm. With renewable energy, there’s hope and opportunity to keep farmers in small towns like mine alive and thriving.”

— Sophie, Singleton

A woman stands in front of a paddock with flowers and a dam on a misty morning.

From coal to clean tech

“I started out working in the coal mines, which set me up well to pursue my current path. Now I’m manufacturing Australian-made batteries designed for our hot climate and with security, recycling and second-life use in mind.”

— Nathan, Lake Macquarie

A man in hi-vis with an 'Energy Renaissance' label stands in an industrial setting.

Who we are

We are the Investor Group on Climate Change, an industry group including Australia’s top super funds and investors.

Our members take care of retirement savings for 14.8 million Australian workers. We have a duty to look after your best financial interests, and our message is simple: climate action pays off.

We’re advocating for a faster, fair and well-planned rollout of clean energy technologies so that Australia can create more jobs, lower the cost of living, and future-proof our economy to deliver the best financial outcome for working and retired Australians.

Find out more