Data and Insights

The case for a clean economy, backed by data and research.

Data on job creation

Climate action is Australia’s biggest economic opportunity. Access the research to find out more.

129,000 jobs ongoing operations and maintenance of solar and wind farms, hydrogen plants and storage facilities out to 2050.

Thousands of new jobs in regional clean energy hubs, including 34,000 jobs already slated for the Hunter community in NSW.

213,000 more jobs by 2033.

…and 115,100 in our critical minerals industry.

Critical minerals strategy 2023–2030

Commonwealth of Australia, Treasury – 2023

…262,600 critical minerals jobs by 2040 to support production and processing of minerals like cobalt, lithium, manganese and rare earths.

Australia has already seen 32,180 jobs created from the renewables rollout…

Economic Opportunity Data

Data on economic opportunities

$333 billion in green industry exports by 2050

Clean energy investment to increase by 300% by 2030.

Green metals development could add $40 billion to national income and $65 billion to Australian economic activity by 2050.

Data on costs and savings

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has confirmed it will take $122 billion over the next two decades to reach net zero.

2024 Integrated Systems Plan

Australian Energy Market Operator – 2024

Australia’s disaster recovery costs increased from $13 billion in 2017 to $38 billion in 2021. Left unchecked, these costs will triple by 2050.

Annual Progress Advice

Climate Change Authority – 2023

Australia could save $21 billion in disaster recovery costs per year by acting fast on climate change by rapidly reducing the greenhouse gas pollution that causes climate change – that’s seven new hospitals a year.

Annual Progress Advice

Climate Change Authority – 2023

Over 200,000 individual homes in NSW and 150,000 properties in QLD are at high risk of being uninsurable by 2030.

Climate Insight Tool

Climate Valuation – 2023

Insurance costs for extreme weather may increase an additional 70% by 2050.

Climate Insight Tool

Climate Valuation – 2023

Renewable energy from solar and wind is now the cheapest form of power.

Renewables like solar and wind are preferred over nuclear because they’re proven and the cheapest energy sources.

Every $1 invested in adaptation can save $11 dollars in recovery costs.

Everyone has the right to safe, healthy, secure housing

Resilient Building Council – 2024

South Australia surpassed 75% wind and solar share in generation in 2023.

Electricity 2024 – Analysis and forecast to 2026

International Energy Agency – 2024

All electric homes could halve their energy costs.

Why to Electrify

Rewiring Australia – 2024

Data on the climate science

The most recent projections show Australia is within close striking distance of its current climate target for 2030 (43%), by a degree of 1% (42%).

It’s true that we have already reached 1.2 degrees of warming globally, a result of a global failure to plan and act on climate change

1.5°C: what it means and why it matters

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: United Nations – 2024